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Adults will usually indulge in fragrant moon cakes of many varieties with a good cup of piping hot Chinese tea, while the little ones run around with their brightly-lit lanterns.    農曆八月十五日是中國的傳統節日—中秋節。 在這天,每個家庭都團聚在一起, 一家人共同賞月。此時,大人們吃著美味的月餅,品著熱騰騰的香茗,而孩子們則在一旁玩燈籠。    “Zhong Qiu Jie" probably began as a harvest festival. The festival was later given a mythological flavour with legends of Chang-E, the beautiful lady in the moon.    中秋節最早可能是一個慶祝豐收的節日。後來,月宮裡美麗的仙女嫦娥的神話 故事賦予了它神話色彩。    According to Chinese mythology, the earth once had 10 suns circling over it. One day, all 10 suns appeared together, scorching the earth with their heat. The earth was saved when a strong archer, Hou Yi, succeeded in shooting down 9 of the suns. Yi stole the elixir of life to save the people from his tyrannical rule, but his wife, Chang-E drank it. Thus started the legend of the lady in the moon to whom young Chinese girls would pray at the Mid-Autumn Festival.    傳說古時候,天空曾有10個太陽。一天,這10個太陽同時出現,酷熱難擋。弓 箭手后翌射下了其中9個太陽,拯救了地球上的生靈。他偷了長生不死藥,卻被 妻子嫦娥偷偷喝下。此後,每年中秋月圓之時,少女們都要向月宮仙女嫦娥祈福的傳說便流傳開來。 看更多:中秋節故事由來-中英文對照 相關詞: 中秋節英文文章,中秋節英文介紹,中秋節英文作文,中秋節英文單字,中秋節英文台灣,中秋節英文故事,中秋節英文學習單,中秋節英文翻譯,中秋節英文對話,中秋節英文教學 中秋節英文,Hou Yi,Zhong Qiu,中秋節,lunar calendar,moon cakes,earth,suns,lady in the moon,google[ 快速連結 ] 其它回答( 4 ) | 意見( 0 ) | 評論( 0 ) .發問者評價 謝謝啦! .發表你的評價 你的評價 發表評價: 正面 普通 負面 評價內容: 發表 取消 . 加入追蹤 轉寄朋友 友善列印 .馬上按讚 加入 Yahoo! 奇摩 知識+ 粉絲團 •免費索取商英光碟+小書 •多益700分線上測驗題庫 •立即免費測試你的多益等級 •英文email超實用金句! •測你在旁人眼中的英文力? •多益700分線上測驗題庫 相關問答 [ 英文 ]中秋節快到了,有中秋節英文祝福語&中秋節英文祝福簡訊嗎? . [ 英文 ]請問”中秋節快樂”英文怎麼寫? . [ 英文 ]中秋節的相關英文用語 . [ 西方文學 ]有關中秋節的英文句子(急)~! . [ 節日慶典 ]中秋節的由來???英文也要喔! . [ 英文 ]可以給我中秋節的英文單字 . 更多 .其他回答(4) 意見(0) 相關評論(0) . 001 回答者: 采晶 ( 初學者 3 級 ) 回答時間: 2012-11-28 20:25:00 [ 檢舉 ] ..http://edu.ocac.gov.tw/culture/topic/06html/1_011.htm http://www.hitutor.com.tw/moon-festival.php 參考資料: GOOGLE 002 回答者: nel****** ( 初學者 5 級 ) 回答時間: 2012-11-28 20:29:25 [ 檢舉 ] ..即將道來的又到了中國人重要節慶之一的中秋節,雖然是中國人的節慶,但不代表不可以發祝福語給你的外國朋友呀!以下是我在網路上整理下來的一些中秋節英文祝福語給你: 1.聲聲祝福請微風替我傳送,縷縷關懷托流水替我寄予,雖然忙忙碌碌無法常相聚,但卻時時刻刻把你惦記。 Sound blessing for me to breeze transmission, whereas caring for the occasionalwater I placed, although not often rode together, but it always about you. 2. 又是一年月圓夜,月下為你許三願:一願美夢好似月兒圓,二願日子更比月餅甜,三願美貌猶如月中仙。   2001 is a full moon night, onthree-under for you to: a child to dream of a round like, two days more thanwilling to sweet cakes, like beauty to three months cents. 3. 這個最美麗的節日,想送你最特別的祝福。 The most beautiful holiday, you want to send a special blessing. 4.試著尋找最華麗的祝詞,我沒能做到。 Try to find the most beautiful message, I did not do. 5.一句最樸實的話:中秋節快樂! One of the most simple: a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 6.我用心做兩個月餅,一個送給你、祝願你節日快樂、事事如意、青春美麗,一個送給自己,祝福我認識了你。 I carefully done two cakes, one gave you, wish you happy holidays and all thebest, youthful a blessed I know you. 7.祝你的事業和生活像那中秋的圓月一樣,亮亮堂堂,圓圓滿滿! I wish your career and life as it phases of the Mid-Autumn Festival, brightbright, festive! 8.就知道明天你會被鋪天蓋地的短信包圍,英明的我一早就讓祝福跨過高山越過高樓大廈穿過大街小巷,閃過賣茶葉蛋的老太太,鑽進你的耳朵:中秋快樂! You will know tomorrow will be omnipresent SMS surrounded the outset let mewise blessing over high-rise buildings across the mountains through thestreets, and passed the old lady selling tea, into your ear: a happy Mid-AutumnFestival! 9.傳統的節日裏,我們總會有那種很傳統的願望:花常開、月常圓、人常在……中秋節快樂。 The traditional festival, we will always be a very traditional kind of desire:a regular flower, Yuan, Chang, who often ... happy Mid-Autumn Festival. 10.神說:所謂的幸福,就是有一顆感恩的心,一個健康的身體,一份稱心的工作,一位深愛你的人,一幫信賴的朋友,當你收到此資訊,一切都隨之擁有! God said: the so-called happiness, there is a thankful heart, a healthy body,the work of a Heart, a love you, a trusted friend to help, when you receivedthis information, all subsequent owners! 祝中秋愉快! I wisha happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 快拿起手機傳封中秋節英文祝福語給你外國的朋友吧^^ 有沒有找到喜歡的中秋節英文祝福語呀!這裡還有更多的中秋節英文祝福語…. 希望提供給你的會有幫助唷!!^^ 文章來源:http://www.wretch.cc/blog/h1283d/11404882 003 回答者: 張熙熙 ( 實習生 5 級 ) 擅長領域: 英文 | 物理 回答時間: 2012-11-28 20:44:12 [ 檢舉 ] ..Mid-Autumn Festival From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to:navigation, search Mid-Autumn Festival Mid-Autumn Festival decorations in Beijing Official name Zhōngqiū Jié (中秋節, 中秋节) Also called Moon Festival Mooncake Festival Peh Goeh Cheh (八月節) Observed by Chinese, Taiwanese, Vietnamese Type Cultural, Religious Significance Celebrates the end of the fall harvest Date 15th day of the 8th lunar month 2012 date September 30 2013 date September 19 Observances Consumption of mooncakes Worship of deities (Chang'e) Related to Tết Trung Thu, Chuseok Mid-Autumn Festival Chinese name Traditional Chinese 中秋節 Simplified Chinese 中秋节 [show]Transcriptions Hakka - Romanization Chung ciu tset Mandarin - Hanyu Pinyin Zhōngqiūjié - Wade–Giles Chung ch'iu chieh Min - Hokkien POJ Tiong-chhiu-chiat Cantonese (Yue) - Jyutping Zung1 cau1 zit3 - Yale Romanization Jūng chāu jit Min name Chinese 八月節 [show]Transcriptions Min - Hokkien POJ Peh-go̍eh-cheh - Min-dong BUC Báik-nguŏk-cáik Vietnamese name Quốc ngữ Tết Trung Thu Chữ nôm 節中秋 The Mid-Autumn Festival (traditional Chinese: 中秋節; simplified Chinese: 中秋节; pinyin: zhōngqiū jié; Vietnamese: Tết Trung Thu) is a popular harvest festival celebrated by Chinese and Vietnamese people.[1][2] The festival is held on the 15th day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar, during a full moon, which is in September or early October in the Gregorian calendar, close to the autumnal equinox.[1] The Government of the People's Republic of China listed the festival as an "intangible cultural heritage" in 2006, and it was made a Chinese public holiday in 2008.[1] It is also a public holiday in Taiwan. Among the Vietnamese, it is considered the second most important holiday tradition.[3] 維基台北寫作聚每月第二個禮拜六舉辦。 [關閉] [編輯]中秋節 維基百科,自由的百科全書 跳轉到:導覽、搜尋 中秋節 中文名稱 繁體 中秋節 T 中秋節是東亞民間的一個傳統節日,起源於中國,為每年的農曆八月十五,約在公曆的9月至10月初。 按照中國的農曆,八月為秋季的第二個月,古時稱為仲秋,因此民間稱為中秋,又稱秋夕、八月節、八月半、月夕、月節,又因為這一天月亮滿圓,象徵團圓,又稱為團圓節。中秋節也是台灣、朝鮮、韓國、日本、越南、馬來西亞和新加坡等地的傳統節日。 上雅虎奇摩鍵入中秋節即可‧ 參考資料: me + yahoo 004 回答者: 河豚 ( 實習生 5 級 ) 擅長領域: 英文 | 其他 回答時間: 2012-11-29 10:19:49 [ 檢舉 ] ..中秋節 中秋節是東亞民間的一個傳統節日,起源於中國,為每年的農曆八月十五,約在公曆的9月至10月初。 按照中國的農曆,八月為秋季的第二個月,古時稱為仲秋,因此民間稱為中秋,又稱秋夕、八月節、八月半、月夕、月節,又因為這一天月亮滿圓,象徵團圓,又稱為團圓節。中秋節也是台灣、朝鮮、韓國、日本、越南、馬來西亞和新加坡等地的傳統節日。 The Mid-Autumn Festival The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of the East Asian civil society, originated in China, for the annual August 15, approximately at the beginning of September to October of the Gregorian calendar. According to Chinese lunar calendar, in August for the second month in the autumn, in ancient times known as the depth of autumn, so civil society known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the autumn evening, semi-, yuexi, month of August festival, August, because on this day the Moon full circle, symbolize reunion, also known as the reunion section. Mid-Autumn Festival are Taiwan, North Korea, Korea, and Japan, and Viet Nam, and Malaysia and Singapore and other traditional festivals.1 目前沒有資料 發表意見發表意見字數已達上限,要改成發表評論嗎?. 發表 取消 . 目前沒有資料 我要評論 註冊 會員登入 .公告: 知識團員轉粉絲全數完成 . 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